Our Muddy Boots Christmas event is almost upon us…will you be there?
As part of the event we will be welcomng the Posada procession as it passes by…

Posada celebrates the journey of Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem for the census. In homes across the country nativity figures are taken from house to house and given shelter, enabling families the chance to act as hosts to the Mary and Joseph.
The tradition started in Mexico where the Posada is part of traditional fiestas before Christmas. It is held in the nine days before Christmas, leading up to Christmas Eve, or Noche Buena, Holy Night.
Pousada is a Portuguese word meaning hostel, inn or accommodation. There is a famous group of hotels in Portugal called Pousadas, which offer much more than just the accommodation; a warmth, contentment and a place of rest.
In England, it has become a very welcome part of Advent, meaning the coming of Christ. We welcome the holy family into our homes and offer shelter and peace, warmth and comfort. Prayers are said and stories read, enabling families and friends to start their own Christmas journeys and the story of the Nativity.
There is much we can do to make this a wonderful time when we have the Posada in our own home. We can invite friends to our homes for the evening.
We can share food and warmth.
We can offer prayer and sing carols.
There is a wealth of material and resources available from the Church Army, recommended from The Church of England. There are posters and resources freely available from the website, including Nativity cut out figures to make and a board game to play.
You can discover the Church Army Posada resources page here…
It is great fun and a chance to bring our group together in Advent through contact with our homes and enabling the Nativity to be included in our own celebrations during Advent as we prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ.
See you in the garden on the 9th of December. Happy Christmas from all at Muddy Boots.